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Islington Adults Carers Strategy Launch

The Islington Adults Carers Strategy launch took place during Carers Week, on Thursday 13 June.  It was an opportunity for carers to hear more about support that’s being planned for Islington carers through to 2030. The plans in the strategy were put together by Adult Social Care, Islington Carers Hub, local providers who can support carers and carers themselves.  Here’s a copy for you to see: Islington Carers Adult Strategy.

The event showcased some of the great partnership work that went into creating the strategy.  This was recognised by speeches on day including talks from John Everson, Director Adult Social Services, Victoria Lawson, Chief Executive Islington Council, Sally Miller, Chief Executive Officer Age UK Islington and Patrick McDaid, Primary Care Network Clinical Director.

It was a brilliant event with representation from so many partners including:

  • Health – Whittington Health, GPs, ICB, CANDI, GP Federation,
  • Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector – Age UK Islington, The Children’s Society, Healthwatch, Mobilise, Better Leisure, Centre 404
  • The Council – Adult Social Care, Children’s Services, iWork, Greenspace and Leisure
  • DWP

Three Islington carers who were amongst those who contributed to the strategy shared their thoughts by video on the day: you can also see the videos below:

Some gentle Tai Chi provided a great start to the day and Laughter Yoga brought the event to a fun conclusion.

Would you like to be involved?

Carers have been involved in helping to shape the strategy and the ongoing involvement of carers in putting the strategy into practice is equally important.  If you are an Islington carer and would like to contribute your views or thoughts, it would be great to see you at the next Carers Strategy Steering Group on Tues 23 July, 2-3pm at Islington Town Hall.  Principal Social Worker, Jenefer Rees MBE from Adult Social Care will be attending to let carers know about how to organise respite through Adult Social Care.  You’ll need to book your place at the meeting.

To book, please contact