Islington Carers Directory
Welcome to the Islington Carers Directory. This includes services that provide support to Islington unpaid carers and the people that they care for.
If you have a service that you’d like to add to the directory, please see the Islington Carers Partnership Network page.
- Community Dental Services (Whittington Health NHS Trust)
- Dementia UK
- Disability Action in Islington
- Family Action Islington
- Future Matters
- Find Your Islington
- Healthwatch Islington
- Islington Bereavement Service
- Islington Learning Disability Partnership
- Islington Library Service
- Islington Mind
- Marie Curie

Alzheimer’s Society
The Alzheimer’s Society provide services and support to individuals, families and carers affected by dementia and Alzheimer’s. They provide a range of services including weekly Singing for the Brain sessions and a fortnightly dementia cafe – Cecilia’s Cafe – where all carers, families, and people with dementia are welcome.

Age UK Islington
Age UK Islington provdes information, guidance and support for adults 16yrs+. They can help with any issues to do with day-to-day life, from money issues, to practical support at home, to getting out & about.
More information on the support they offer can be found on their website.

Autism – My Behaviour
My Behaviour offer consultation services and tutoring support, specialising in working with children and adults with autism, behavioural difficulties and developmental delays.
Find out more on their website.

Better Lives – Islington Drug and Alcohol Service
Better Lives is an integrated drug and alcohol service delivered by Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with WDP and Humankind.
They offer a free and confidential support service for individuals and their families affected by drug and alcohol problems.
Find our more on their website.

Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust (C&I)
Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust provide services for adults of working age, adults with learning difficulties and older people for the most part in Camden and Islington. They are split in 5 divisions: Acute, Recovery and Rehabilitation, Services for Ageing and Mental Health, Substance Misuse Services and Community Mental Health.
Find out more on their website.
Carers play an important role in supporting people who use their services, as carers can provide both emotional and practical support which can help others to live a more rewarding and independent life. More information for carers.

Carefree transform vacant accommodation into vital breaks for unpaid carers. To be eligible for a short hotel break away, you must be a full-time (30+ hours per week) unpaid carer, 18+. Ask Islington Carers Hub for a referral or find out more on their website.

Care UK
Care UK provide care homes across the whole of the UK for all types of care requirements.
Find out more on their website.

Centre 404
Centre 404 offer friendly, reliable and person-centred support to people with a learning disability and their families in north London.
Find out more on their website.

Community Dental Services,
Whittington Oral Health Promotion Team
The Whittington Health Dental Services are actively working across all our boroughs to promote good dental health. They provide information about general and basic oral health and accessing dental services.
Find out more on their website.
Dementia UK
Dementia UK is a charity that provides Admiral Nurses for families affected by dementia.
Find out more on their website.

Disability Action in Islington
Disability Action in Islington is an organisation run by Disabled people for Disabled people. Offering advice, advocacy and support for Islington residents.
Find more information on their website.

Family Action Islington
Islington & Camden Young Carers (ICYC) works with young carers, their families and professionals across Islington & Camden. We work to build on each families strengths, combining practical and emotional support to achieve agreed outcomes and empower young carers and their families.
Find more information on their website.
Find Your Islington
Find Your Islington brings together information on local support, services, workshops, activities and much more across a wide range of subjects including health and social care, families, housing, transport, education and employment.
Find more information on the Islington Council ‘Find Your Islington’ website.

Future Matters
The Future Matters service provides end of life planning guidance and support to adults in Islington. Their service is also available to residents in Camden and Haringey, but in these boroughs only for people with the early stages of dementia (and their carers).
Find more information on the Age UK Islington website.

Healthwatch Islington
Healthwatch can point you in the right direction when you need information or help to access local health, social care and well-being services. It is a free service available to everybody who lives in Islington, or who uses services here.
If you are facing a difficult health or care decision find out more.

Islington Bereavement Service
Run by St Joseph’s Hospice and a team of trained volunteers, the Islington Bereavement Service can offer practical, social and emotional bereavement support for adults living in Islington and/or registered with a GP in Islington. It is designed for people who have experienced the death of a family member, relative or another important person in their life.
Find out more on the St Joseph’s Hospice website.
Learning Disabilities Partnership
Islington Learning Disabilities Partnership (ILDP) provides support, advice and services for adults with global learning disabilities in Islington.
Find more information on the North Central London NHS website.

Islington Library and Heritage Service
Did you know that Islington Libraries hold a collection of books for carers at Archway, Central, N4 and Finsbury libraries (available once they reopen)?
The Carers Collection is a joint venture with Islington Carers Hub and it includes books about caring for people with dementia, in old age, after a stroke and many other conditions.

Islington Mind
Islington Mind provides a mental health service to Islington residents. Their Mental Health Recovery Pathway service provides a range of resources and activities and provide a Counselling service.
They have a service for mothers and other women who are care-givers to people with mental health problems: Mother Carers Support Project.
Find more information on their website.

Islington Council Occupational Therapy
London Borough of Islington have dedicated unit that provides Occupational Therapy (OT) Assessments for Islington residents with a permanent or substantial disability. They provide advice, training, equipment or adaptations to such residents to allow them to be live independently or to assist their cares to help them more easily and safely.
Find more information here.
As a non-council tenant you may be eligible for a disabled facility grant.

Mobilise do not provide legal, medical, financial or benefits advice but do share helpful information and suggestions from other carers and give you space to work out your next steps.
Find more information on their website.

Marie Curie
Marie Curie provides support to anyone with an illness they’re likely to die from, and those close to them.
Find more information on their website.

National Autistic Society
Advice and guidance about autism and the challenges autistic people and their families face.
Find more information on their website.

REACH Whittington Health
The Islington REACH Intermediate Care Team works in collaboration with adults/older people and their relatives/carers, to promote health and maximise independence in mobility, communication, work, leisure and everyday activities.
Find more information on their website.

Royal National Institute of Blind People
If you find it hard to see things clearly, even after you’ve had your eyes tested and are wearing the right glasses or contact lenses, you may have low vision.
The staff at the Low Vision Centre can advise and help you make the most of your vision.
Find more information on their website.

Safeguarding Adults
London Borough of Islington have dedicated unit that provides support for abuse and safeguarding concerns, as everyone has the right to live a life free from abuse or safeguarding concerns.
This could include violence, domestic abuse, neglect, financial abuse, modern slavery, honour-based violence or female genital mutilation.
Find more information on their website.

Shared Lives Islington
Shared Lives is a flexible way for people in Islington to receive support and care from within their local community.
They are matched with Shared Lives carers, who are ordinary people that open their home to the person needing support.
Find more information on their website.

Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia Service
The centre provides dynamic, integrated, holistic services that place people with, or at risk of, sickle cell and thalassaemia.
Find more information on their website.

The Stress Project
The Stress Project provides a range of low cost & free therapies and wellbeing activities for people experiencing stress related illnesses or mental health problems.
Find more information on their website.

Stroke Association
The Stroke Recovery Service offers practical support and advice for stroke survivors, carers and their family.
Their Communication Support Service helps people with aphasia or other communication difficulties after stroke, and also offers support to their family and friends.
Find more information on their website.

University College London Hospital (UCLH)
UCLH look after many patients, but they also support the people looking after them.
Find more information see their website.

Uswitch have created a guide for carers that looks at various ways to alleviate some of the pressures from increased bills when caring for a friend or family member.
Find more information on their website.