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Islington Carers Hub is a service run by Age UK Islington. If the person you care for needs any support, Islington Carers Hub can put you in touch with the right people in the Age UK Islington team. Contact Islington Carers Hub or simply call the Age UK Islington helpline on 020 7218 6018 /

Age UK Islington supports adults of all ages (16 years old and over) to get help with financial issues, help to stay independent at home, to get out and about and to make social connections.

Together we can provide the following support for you and the person you are caring for.  For information, guidance and support for specific health conditions, or alcohol or substance abuse disorders, there are a range of services locally and nationally that can help.  See ‘Support services’ below.

Managing day-to-day living

We can provide information and guidance about support that’s available to help manage care needs and to live independently at home. This includes support to find help with managing activities of daily living, such as cooking, cleaning, tidying, decluttering and shopping.

Depending on someone’s situation, we can help them to apply for an assessment for a ‘package of care’ from Social Services or to access relevant benefits so they can pay for their own care. If they are mostly independent, but need some extra support to help them manage at home, we can help them to find local services.

There are lots of ways we can help make food shopping easier – from getting help to set up online shopping or finding local supermarkets that deliver. We can also provide information about meal services and local lunch clubs.

We can provide impartial information to help find a selection of local services and tradespeople that can help with cleaning and gardening, using directories to find a selection of services and guidance.

Money, benefits and housing

We can provide guidance about benefits, managing debts, how to keep warm and maximise income. We can also help with housing-related issues, from how to report repairs to housing adaptions and sheltered housing options.

Find out more in the Housing advice section.

Accessing health and practical services

We can provide connections to relevant health-related services, e.g. registering for a GP, dental or hearing services or condition-specific support for mental health problems, dementia, learning disabilities, diabetes etc.  For more information about the support available for specific health conditions and self-management programmes, see our Health Conditions section.

We can also provide help to find practical services like hairdressing or footcare services. Most of these will be paid-for services.

If the person you are caring for has mobility issues, we can provide information about accessing a physio; getting a falls alert service e.g. telecare (red button); transport options, e.g. community transport options, taxicards or blue badges.

Contact Islington Carers Hub

For more information or if you have any questions, get in touch with us on 020 7281 3319 or email

Support services

Islington Carers Hub can advise you on a wide range of things, and as part of our support, we can help you to find specialist help that is right for you and your circumstances.

Islington Council provides social care needs assessments to understand what type of support you may need to live independently.

  • Younger carers
    : Family Action supports carers aged 5 to 17 years.
  • Learning disability or autism
    : Centre 404 supports people aged 5 years+ with a learning disability or autism.
  • Mental health issues
    : NCL Mental Health Partnership supports people living with mental health issues.
  • Substance misuse
    : Better Lives supports people who have issues with alcohol or substance misuse.
  • Online support
    : Mobilise provides regular online virtual cuppas and extended hours support for unpaid carers.

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