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Creative Music Workshop

October 12, 2023
14:00 - 16:45
Upper Holloway Baptist Church, 11 Tollington Way, N7 6RG

Music Workshops for Carers

Thursdays from 12 October till 23 November, 2.30pm – 4.45pm

Upper Holloway Baptist Church, 11 Tollington Way, London, N7 6RG

Take part in a series of fun music workshops led by Create (6 session course)

Come along to this series of fun sessions creating music with other Islington carers. We’ll play instruments, sing, and create our own lyrics and melodies based around themes suggested by participants!

No previous musical experience required – just an eagerness to join in. Places are limited so booking is essential!

There will be a 15 minute tea / coffee break.

Why attend?

Meet other Islington carers
Take a break and do something just for you
Try something new
Enjoy the natural boost of music-making!

How to take part?

Booking is essential to take part! Please email

The dates of the sessions are: 12, 19 October, 2, 9, 16 and 23 November.

Any questions?

If you’ve any questions about the event, please get in touch. We look forward to welcoming you to the session!