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Carers Week – Strategy Launch

June 13, 2024
11:00 - 15:00
Upper Holloway Baptist Church, 11 Tollington Way, N7 6RG

Carers Week seemed a good week to launch the Islington Adults Carers Strategy which details how Islington aims to support carers through 2030. The strategy has been created in collaboration with Adult Social Care, Islington Carers Hub, local provider who can support carers and carers themselves.

We’re using the launch as an opportunity for carers to meet up with those professionals involved in the strategy over lunch. To make it an event to remember, we’ve topped and tailed it with two wonderful wellbeing activities that are relaxing and provide laughter.

So please join us on Thursday, 13 June, to find out how Islington is planning to support carers.

  • 11.00am – Coffee/tea
  • 11.30am – TaiChi
  • 12.30pm – Lunch
  • 1.30pm – Launch of carers strategy
  • 2.15pm – Laughter yoga
  • 2.45pm – Concluding remarks
  • 3.00pm – Close