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Do you look after a friend, partner or relative?

Islington Carers Hub’s team is here for you when you need us: for emotional, financial and practical advice and guidance. We can register you as a carer, introduce you to a network of Islington carers and help you to get a break.

We support carers (sometimes called unpaid carers or family carers) who are 18 years or over. Either you or the person you are caring for needs to live in Islington. We also support carers who work in Islington.

Am I carer?

An unpaid carer is anyone who cares for a friend or relative with an illness or disability without being paid.

So, if you’re helping with shopping, paperwork, attending hospital appointments, or provide emotional support by phone, this counts.

You’ll still be entitled to support whether you help someone round-the-clock or for a few hours a week.

How can Islington Carers Hub help you?

To get help and guidance

When you start caring for someone, there’s a lot to know. This might be about the financial support that you are eligible for, housing issues or for specific health conditions. Whatever the issue, give our helpline a call. We can also organise a follow-up appointment.

Not to struggle alone

You’re a phone call away from speaking to someone who understands what it’s like to be a carer. Caring can be hugely fulfilling, but it can sometimes be challenging. If you need advice or want to chat about any issues or concerns, our helpline can help.

To get a break from caring

We can provide options for you to get a break from caring. Whether this is applying for a short break at a range of hotels in the UK, helping you find a regular activity away from caring, or looking into options for paid carers.

To find a network of carers

We host regular get togethers which are social, informative and sometimes a combination of the two. Our regular workshops can provide skills that are useful as a carer, whether learning stress management techniques or managing the cost of energy bills.

To provide a Carer’s Assessment

This is a structured conversation to see if there’s anything that can make your life easier as a carer. When you register, we can work out whether Islington Carers Hub, Islington Council or another service should complete the Carer’s Assessment with you.

How to get started?

The first step is to contact us. We’ll contact you to complete your registration and to find out what support you may need. You’ll then receive a welcome pack and our regular newsletter and mailings.

Contact our helpline!

Our helpline is available for advice, guidance and to register carers, Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm. Call 020 7281 3319 or email

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